Former Justice of the Constitutional Court, the late Justice Tembile Skweyiya, once wrote in a seminal judgment of the South African Constitutional Court dealing with the tussle between law and politics, “Courts deal with bad law; voters must deal with bad politics”.

Do South African courts too readily involve themselves in political questions? Is it desirable for the courts to decide political questions? Is the mooted amendment of the property clause, section 25, in the South African Constitution a political question that should be resolved by politicians in Parliament, or is it a question that must be resolved by the courts? Is the Land Question in South Africa one for the courts or one for politicians to resolve?

These are some of the questions that Professor Mtende Mhango, Professor of Law at the National University of Lesotho, teases out in this short analysis.

A more detailed analysis of this question is explored in his recent book, Justiciability of Political Questions in South Africa: A Comparative Analysis (2019) Eleven International Publishers ISBN 978-94-6236-918-4 Available at  or

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