To Robe or Not in SA Courts: A Colonial Vestige or Necessary Decorum in Today’s South Africa? – Vuyani Ngalwana SC [with additional contributions by Adv IAM Semenya SC & Alno Smit]

On 15 August 2024, the Chief Justice invited comments on his mooted amendment of the norms and standards for the exercise of the judicial functions of all courts to require advocates to don robes in the lower courts – magistrates courts and regional courts. Until now, members of the bar have not been required to robe in the South African magistrate’s courts.

The requirement is scheduled to be gazetted on 28 August 2024 and “will” come into effect on 1 October 2024.

The relatively short notice, coupled with the mandatory language as signified by use of the word “will” (not “may” or “could” or qualified by language demonstrative of a willingness to abandon the idea if the weight of argument should tilt the scales against pushing through with the amendment) seems to suggest that the amendment may be a fait accompli. If so, this would be regrettable and taint the entire process in bad faith engagement with the profession.

There are arguments both in favour and against retention of the robing tradition in South African courts. I believe arguments against retention are far stronger than those in favour. I hope I have demonstrated this in this my formal objection not only to the extension of the tradition to advocates in relation to magistrate’s courts but also more broadly in relation to robing in all South African courts.

I have submitted my objection to the Office of the Chief Justice, and live in hope that it will be carefully considered and that, should it not sway the Chief Justice, written reasons will be provided therefor.

Since submitting my own objection, I have received two more submissions on the robing issue, one by Adv Ishmael Semenya SC and another by Adv Alno Smit.

Read Full Objection here: Objection to robing – 18 August 2024

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Notice – Robing (original)

Adv Semenya SC’s contribution can be found here Objection to Robing in Courts – IAM Semenya SC

Adv Smit’s contribution can be found here In Defence of Robing – Alno Smit

By |2024-08-31T17:31:32+02:00August 20th, 2024|Analyses and Reviews|Comments Off on To Robe or Not in SA Courts: A Colonial Vestige or Necessary Decorum in Today’s South Africa? – Vuyani Ngalwana SC [with additional contributions by Adv IAM Semenya SC & Alno Smit]

The Long Term Effects of Skewed Briefing Patterns in South Africa and Some Solutions – Vuyani Ngalwana SC

Recently, Judge Mandlenkosi Motha of the Pretoria High Court caused something of a stir when he directed legal practitioners – all white – who appeared before him in a black economic empowerment case to explain the lack of race diversity in their legal teams.

The outrage is, in my view, misdirected, tone deaf, shortsighted and lacks discernment in many fundamental respects. I discuss these in this paper, citing observations made in the past by the Constitutional Court, the Judge President of the busiest courts in South Africa, and other eminent jurists on the subject of Transformation and its Legitimacy.

I submit that skewed briefing patterns that favour white legal practitioners are a legitimate concern that should be addressed expeditiously and sustainably because of the deleterious effects they have on the development of our jurisprudence and on the legitimacy and competence of the Judiciary in the long run, and the explicitly racist stereotype they reinforce in the legal profession.

I then offer some solutions and invite legal practitioners to engage with this content so that we can arrive at a solution that is sustainable and to the benefit, ultimately, of the country.

Read Full paper here: The Long Term Consequences of Skewed Briefing Patterns in SA & Some Solutions

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Legitimacy, Transformation and Need for Change at the Bar

By |2024-03-10T14:41:28+02:00March 10th, 2024|Analyses and Reviews|Comments Off on The Long Term Effects of Skewed Briefing Patterns in South Africa and Some Solutions – Vuyani Ngalwana SC

Transformative Social Change and the Role of the Judge in Post-Apartheid South Africa – A Lecture by Justice Dunstan Mlambo, Judge President of the Gauteng High Courts, South Africas

In his 1946 essay on Politics and the English Language, George Orwell succeeded in surgically peeling off the veneer of prosaic respectability from what passes for “modern” English to expose the ugly lies ignominiously hidden beneath.

Mourning the perversion of the English language – ostensibly in the name of modernism but, in truth, with a view to obfuscating and deceiving – he observed that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes.

Perhaps unfairly, Orwell’s essay sprang to mind when I read a take by the Daily Maverick on a lecture by Judge President Mlambo. I knew immediately that I had to get my hands on it and read it myself. A quote in the Daily Maverick piece left me puzzled and wishing to understand more.

So, I set out to find the lecture itself, and sat down to read it. Wow!

Daily Maverick quoted the Judge President as saying:

“There are no longer assertions that the law can be kept isolated from politics; while they are not the same they are necessarily and inherently linked”

In fact, what the Judge President said – quoting former Chief Justice Langa – was this:

“[T]here is no longer place for assertions that the law can be kept isolated from politics.  While they are not the same, they are inherently and necessarily linked”

Read the two quotes again, carefully, especially the first part of each.

A statement that “there are no longer assertions” about a particular worldview is a very different proposition from a statement that says “there is no longer a place for assertions” of that particular worldview. The former is a statement of fact, and whether or not the fact is well-founded is something that can be pursued with the speaker by fact checkers. The latter, however, is the expression of an opinion which is not measured for its plausibility merely by checking facts. One has to go beyond that and probe the reasoning. Facts answer to questions like “what”, “when”, “where” “who”, “how”. Opinions answer to “why”.

Whether or not there are still assertions that law can be kept isolated from politics is to me irrelevant. As a proposition of fact it does nothing to stimulate the necessary national debate and enquiry about whether or not politics plays a role in the determination of cases in the course of Judges applying, in their minds, the law. Of much interest to me, as a lawyer who appears regularly in South African courts, is the proposition that there is no longer a place for assertions that the law can be kept isolated from politics, and that these are inherently and necessarily linked. Now, that piques my interest.

The Daily Maverick piece left me puzzled and wanting to understand more about the lecture because there is a clear dissonance (at least to me) between the first part of the quote and the second. If there are no longer assertions that law can be kept isolated from politics, then to what end must the reader be told in the same sentence that these two are inherently and necessarily linked, except to call readers to arms to demand that assertions that law can be kept isolated from politics remain a distant memory? In other words, why would the speaker tell me that law and politics are inherently and necessarily linked if he wants to discourage me from asserting that law can be kept isolated from politics? It is this disconnect in the Daily Maverick piece that piqued my interest.

Whether the disconnect is deliberate or a function of editorial negligence I do not know. I am just happy I picked up on it and read the lecture myself.

I have always maintained that Judges should emerge from behind their judicial shield and express their worldview on matters of public interest. The bench is not a monastery or convent where Judges have taken a religious vow not to engage in conversations about matters of national interest wherever they find themselves. They are citizens with socio-political interests and preferences before they become Judges. Those interests and preferences do not vanish upon people donning judicial robes or taking the oath to uphold the Constitution.

Judges are also fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, wives, husbands and taxpayers and are also affected by politics as the rest of us. So, to believe that Judges are immune to political influence or consideration – whether by design or by coincidence – when determining some cases, is in my view astonishing naivete.

That is why the lecture of the Judge President on Transformative Constitutionalism, and the role of Judges in it, comes as a welcome relief for me from the suffocating pretence by many members of the public that Judges are above politics. How can they be when they are political beings, appointed by a politician through a political process and in terms of a document that is a product of political detante: the Constitution?

By saying this I do not for a moment suggest that Judges should turn politicians or that they are politicians. Far from it. The point I make is that Judges are creatures of politics and cannot escape politics whether they wish to do so or not. It is not in their hands. It is in the nature of their work and in the subconscious mind of human beings with socio-economic and political experiences, interests and preferences.

As I understand the Judge President, he posits that Judges in post-apartheid South Africa must, of necessity, break from the self-imposed judicial strictures of unyielding notions of un-rehabilitated common law. He points to a number of cases (known to lawyers who practise in these courts) to demonstrate the reluctance of some Judges to unshackle their judicial grounding from common law that has been overtaken by the new constitutional grundnorm or ethos. The notion that the law exists in a gilded world of its own, unsullied by the politics of the day, is not only imagined by those who hold that view; it is also an impediment to Transformative Constitutionalism. That is what I understand the Judge President as saying.

To that end, the Judge President calls in aid cases like Beadica, a Constitutional Court judgment that reminds Judges that they

“must not lose sight of the transformative mandate of our Constitution.  Transformative adjudication requires courts to “search for substantive justice, which is to be inferred from the foundational values of the Constitution . . . that is the injunction of the Constitution – transformation.”

The idea that law and politics should not mix, and that Judges should steer clear of politics, is in my view uninformed. Again, by that thesis one is not saying Judges should turn politicians. But what Judges cannot avoid is make decisions steeped in politics. Whether that is by design or by coincidence only the Judge in question will know. For example, when two factions of a political party battle in court for the leadership of that party, and the court finds in favour of one faction, that decision aides a political project – whether the Judge intended it or not.

I think time has come for us all to disabuse ourselves of the notion that law and politics do not mix. They often do. To suggest otherwise is to deceive ourselves. As Chief Justice Langa himself said those many years ago, and now endorsed by the Judge President, law and politics are inherently and necessarily linked. It is naive to believe that the determination of cases, especially those engaging socio-economic  and political rights, is done shorn of political considerations. As the Judge President himself says:

“Judges should take note that every common law case is an opportunity to develop the common law and to construct social and economic relationships in one way or another consonant with the transformative agenda of the Constitution.  Every common law decision has implications that are political, moral, economic and distributive

In my view, if South Africa is to reverse (or at the very least ameliorate) the still lingering vestiges of apartheid, we need Judges who will not lose sight of the transformative mandate of the Constitution; Judges who will actively go in search of substantive justice informed by the foundational values of the Constitution: equality, human dignity, advancement of human rights and freedoms for those historically and currently marginalised or targeted for exclusion in all aspects of life in South Africa. That object cannot be fulfilled by a judiciary that is politically inert or, worse still, a judiciary that is still trapped in the politics that was dominant in 1985.

At some stage, the unpalatable but necessary task of an audit of Judges’ political persuasion will have to be embarked upon if Transformative Constitutionalism is to be realised. Until then, all we shall be doing is tinker at the edges with a system of oppression that continues to wreak havoc with the lives of the very category of persons the Constitution professes to protect and advance.

As Justice Madlanga of the Constitutional Court of South Africa has said:

“A judge’s make-up, outlook on life and indeed entire being follow her or him. Judges cannot be expected to entirely jettison all of their [subconscious] biases and perspectives about the world upon stepping into their judicial roles because meeting such a standard would be a super-human feat.”

If that is so, then what South Africa needs are not politically inert Judges but Judges whose politics aligns with the aspirations and healing of ordinary black people who still bear the scars of apartheid and continue to suffer the indignities of that system even under what is supposed to be a constitutional state founded on a constitutional ethos where everyone has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law, but for whom that is merely a promise in a document.

It was President Nelson Mandela himself, addressing the then Law Society of the Transvaal in 1993, who said:

“But at the time of the worst excesses of apartheid, judges and lawyers on the whole remained silent. Judges, magistrates and prosecutors enforced apartheid laws without protest. Unwarranted sentences were called for and imposed for contravention of statutes passed to uphold apartheid.”

Will the same one day be said of contemporary South African Judges who remain silent in the face of the worst excesses of big business and the executive, putting up their judicial shield of “see no evil, speak no evil” as an excuse for not engaging publicly? Time will tell.

But the Judge President’s lecture is not just about politics and law. This just happens to be the theme that has piqued my curiosity and which, in my view, deserves closer scrutiny.

Read Full Lecture here: Transformative Social Change and the Role of the Judge in Post-Apartheid South Africa

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SAJEI_Journal_-_Vol_1_-_Issue_1 Original article at page 48

Judging Judges_ Empathy as the Litmus Test for Impartiality

By |2022-04-03T09:49:04+02:00April 3rd, 2022|Analyses and Reviews|Comments Off on Transformative Social Change and the Role of the Judge in Post-Apartheid South Africa – A Lecture by Justice Dunstan Mlambo, Judge President of the Gauteng High Courts, South Africas


This is Part 2 of a paper on the fabled “lifeboat” or “bailout” afforded by the SA Reserve Bank to the Bankorp Group and Absa Bank between 1985 and 1995.

As pointed out in Part 1 of the paper, this bailout has been the subject of three investigations:

  • the Special Investigating Unit (“the SIU”), led by Judge Willem Heath, following a proclamation by President Thabo Mbeki, which concluded that the SA Reserve Bank R1.5 billion bailout of the Bankorp Group and Absa Bank was a “simulated transaction” – a gift disguised as a loan. That Report was never released by President Mbeki or any other President after him.
  • the Davis Panel of Experts, led by Judge Dennis Davis, appointed by Mr Tito Mboweni – then governor of the Reserve Bank and now Minister of Finance – which reached the same conclusion as the SIU as regards the “simulated” nature of the bailout.
  • the Public Protector who found likewise and went further to direct that the money be recovered from Absa Bank and other beneficiaries.

In this Part 2, we discuss the findings and recommendations of the three investigations and propose the way forward with reference to Constitutional Court authority.

Read the full Analysis here The Unfinished Story – SA Reserve Bank Bailout of the Bankorp Group and Absa Bank – Part 2

By |2021-04-30T19:32:25+02:00April 30th, 2021|Analyses and Reviews|2 Comments


Facts Matter.

The South African public’s understanding of the long-running spat between the Cape Judge President, on the one hand, and Justices of the Constitutional Court acting as an institutional block, on the other, seems informed by much factual ellipsis.

In this short paper, I try to present some of the facts that, in my assessment, seem to have disappeared from public discourse on this case, resulting in some members of the public and analysts making some of the most extraordinary statements about the case. In the process I make some of my own observations about those facts which, if considered, may in my assessment possibly have resulted in a different outcome from the one recently reached by the Judicial Conduct Tribunal of the South African Judicial Service Commission on 9 April 2021.

In writing this paper, I am moved by a concern about the dominant fact-free narrative that seems to be treated as authoritative in public commentary on this case. My purpose, therefore, as the Code of Conduct for Legal Practitioners allows, is to help guide public understanding of the issues that have arisen or may yet arise in the course of the further conduct of this process, if any should follow.

As you read this paper, be aware that I was part of the Judge President’s legal team in 2008 until April 2009.

Read the Analysis here The Judge President vs Justices of the Constitutional Court – What are the Missing Facts PDF

By |2021-04-13T01:21:02+02:00April 13th, 2021|Analyses and Reviews|2 Comments

In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 5th segment

In this segment, we explore Transformation & related matters in the Legal Profession, particularly the dearth of black and women Counsel in the Constitutional Court appearing as Counsel and arguing cases. What is the reason for this?

Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court of South Africa discusses this and other matters with us, including

  • in what instances the Constitutional Court would reconsider its own earlier judgment
  • in what way, if any, Judges are influenced by media reports.
By |2020-09-25T11:18:47+02:00September 25th, 2020|Legal Voices|Comments Off on In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 5th segment

In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 4th segment

In this segment, we explore the Process of Judging, and the “subconscious bias” that each Judge inevitably brings to bear on his/her judging process.

Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court of South Africa helps us make sense of the “subconscious bias” with which Judges approach their judging.

Does Judicial Diversity mean there is space in the South African Judiciary for bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic judges for the sake of judicial diversity?

By |2020-09-08T21:21:46+02:00September 8th, 2020|Legal Voices|Comments Off on In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 4th segment

In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 3rd segment

What is the “politics” that inform the dismissal of Applications for Leave to Appeal in the Constitutional Court without a hearing and without a reasoned judgment?

How many of the cases that go to the Constitutional Court are in fact heard in open court and why?

To whom do Judges account and how?

In this third segment, Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court of South Africa talks to us on these and other burning issues.

By |2020-09-02T14:16:28+02:00September 2nd, 2020|Legal Voices|Comments Off on In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 3rd segment

In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 2nd segment

What does the Judgment writing process in the Constitutional Court of South Africa entail?

What is Justice? Does Law necessarily coincide with Justice?

In this second segment, Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court of South Africa talks to us on these and other burning issues.

By |2020-08-27T11:29:28+02:00August 27th, 2020|Legal Voices|Comments Off on In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 2nd segment

In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 1st segment

Meet one of the youngest Judicial Officers, both as a magistrate and as a Judge.

In this first segment, Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court of South Africa walks us through his journey to the Constitutional Court Bench, including some brushes with political activism.

This is the Justice who has written some of the seminal judgments of the Constitutional Court, including:

By |2020-08-21T12:39:36+02:00August 21st, 2020|Legal Voices|Comments Off on In Conversation with Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga of the Constitutional Court – 1st segment
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